Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Did It!

This has by far been my toughest college semester to date. I was crazy enough to take 18 credits and work part time. I haven't felt like myself for months and I have had an all around negative attitude. I came back off such a high from Europe, that I was expecting the best yet. Simply put, it hasn't been. I have never been more stressed and my social life has been non existent to say the least. Majority of my close friends, ones I felt I could lean on for support, have moved one without me or haven't cared to take a notice in me this year. I guess some of the blame could be on me because I haven't vocalized my unhappiness or need for support to them. (Yet here I am vocalizing it on the internet. I make no sense. I know.) My job is far from ideal and I despise waiting tables, but it is the only thing that would work with my school schedule.

I keep telling myself it will hopefully be worth it in the end. Life always has its ups and downs, and this semester happened to be a down. I feel like it has been a huge blessing in disguise to have Brittney living with me this year. Without Brittney here I don't know what I would have done. She is my rock.

Needless to say, after long hours of studying, over 50 plus pages written, and many many prayers, I am proud to say I DID IT! I have passed 18 credits and have completed more schooling than I have left.

Roomie Christmas before finals:

Car dancing:

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