Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome 2011.

Dang is 2011 here already?! Feels like just a few days ago I was sitting in my old farm apartment writing my goals for 2010 and imagining what an awesome year it was going to be. Now a year later, here I am sitting in my Darwin apartment looking over the year and setting goals for 2011. This year has been a different one for me. It has had its many ups and downs and surprises at every turn. It started at such a high for me, and got even greater, until these last few months. Overall I have loved 2010 though. This year has been full of moments that have made me smile, laugh, cry, scream, doubt, believe, and experience once in a life time opportunities.

The year began with a get together with a few of my cousin's and opening up a time capsule we made back in 2000. What a hoot! It was so fun to see the stuff we had put inside like my tomigachi, tattoo necklace, Backstreet boys and Christina Aguliera CDs, etc. There was also a fun video tape of us answering questions about where we think we would be. I am proud to say I would be at Utah State, and I am! haha.

I was living at Old Farm with these wonderful ladies the first few months of the year and a sophomore at USU. I have to say these girls are AMAZING! We had countless fun times together and memories created. I learned so much from each and everyone one of them. I owe an amazing second year at Utah State to them. Crystal Henrie, Amanda Smith, Shirelle Barber, and Kelsey Luella...I LOVE YOU!

(Earthquake of 2010)

The month of May was one of the most inspirational, surprising, and life changing months of my life. I was lucky enough to get the chance to do study abroad in Germany! I was able to visit so many WWII sites, including Auschwitz, and tour other parts of Europe and cities including Prauge, Salzburg, Krakow, Munich, and Berlin. I learned so much on this trip and it is something I still talk about to this day. I traveled with an amazing group of girls who taught me so much and strengthened my testimony of the Church and made me so grateful for the wonderful freedoms I enjoy here in America.

After years of searching Logan, I finally got a job at Gia's. Let me tell you it is something different. Serving tables is not something I enjoy doing and never thought I would ever have to do. I would much rather be working with kids again but I was blessed with a job that worked around my school schedule and gave me enough income to meet my needs. I am also surprised with a good day or two on occasion and meet some interesting people to say the least.

School in September threw me for a loop. I took 18 credits along with my job. I lost a lot of close friends and didn't gain a whole lot of new. It has been a tough last few months, ones I was not expecting and challenges I am still working through. However, the Lord blessed me with my sister who has been the best roommate and closest friend! I don't think I could have handled this semester without her. I love you Brittney and hope and pray the best will be coming your way!

There was no better way to end the year than with a huge family party! We all got together for my grandpa's 80th birthday and spent the day playing hilarious games, eating great food, and catching up with one another. My family is anther huge blessing that has made this year amazing. While my immediate family lives in Ohio, I have wonderful aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents who are always showing their love and support and making me feel welcome in their homes.

These are just some of the wonderful memories that have inspired, surprised, and delighted me this past year. I have learned to push myself further than ever before and that I am capable of accomplishing any goal I set for myself if I am willing to put in the hard work and trust in the Lord. My testimony has grown but I have learned it takes more than just simpling believe in the Gospel. You have to actively live it and that is not always easy, but life sure is better when you do. I am so grateful for my family, my parents love and support, the opportunity I have to be getting an education, the opportunities to travel, my good health, my country, the men and women serving in the armed forces, the men and women serving the Lord and proclaiming the gospel, and above all I am grateful for my Savior never giving up on me and his continuing love.

May 2011 be a year of inspiration, happiness, and lifelong memories!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written Toni! Your perseverance and attitude are inspiring! Good luck during the next Semester! Love ya!
