Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Reads.

(Well blogging world I am back! haha. Life got a little crazy and to be honest the blog was the last thing on my mind. A few days ago my sister asked me if I was ever going to update again so figure if she actually checks it still maybe I will throw up a new post finally. haha.)

My favorite time to read is summer. I find it more relaxing and fun when I don't have school textbooks haunting me and making me feel guilty for reading a book I actually like. Now I am not claiming myself to be a book reviewer because I wouldn't know the first thing, but here are a few books I have read so far this summer and really enjoyed.


Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares: I didn't think Ann could do much more with the sisterhood series because I felt she was losing steam on the last book. However, I saw this book at the store and had to get it. I have this innate thing with having to finish any kind of series I start whether it be book or tv. Well am I glad I did! I found myself in utter shock at the new twist in Carmen, Tibby, Lena, and Bridget's lives 10 years later. I felt like Ann took it to the next level for the girls and I enjoyed reading every page.


The Help by Kathryn Stockett: I heard about this book a while ago from my aunt and never got a chance to read it till now. I bought it to read on my road trip a few weeks back but ended up reading it in a day. haha. I thought the story was fresh, intriguing, and a pleasure with every page. I literally laughed out loud at the humor of ladies, and found myself crying when the facts of life set in for them. While I am excited for the movie in August, I highly recommend you read it first! I hope this ends up on book lists for high schools because it was so enjoyable yet made you think about the way things were in the 60s and how hard it really was to make changes.

Any recommendations for a new summer read?

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