Monday, March 7, 2011


"Happiness is a mood, not a destination."
So as silly as this may be for you non-One Tree Hill fans, I am about to go on a random rant because of this show. I totally got this from a recent episode and it hit me pretty hard and was something I probably needed to hear.
Lately I just can't get happy. I keep thinking, "If only I could lose weight faster, I would be happy. If I had a different job, one with kids again, I would be happier. If only school would catch me a break, I could relax and enjoy it more. I would be happy if this or if that." Well guess what? Happiness is not a destination, something that you can arrive at and stay put. It is something that comes and goes. Often we can choose our mood depending on how we choose to look at a situation. Sadness, frustration, anger, guilt, jealousy...these are all moods that are okay to have, if we don't sit and dwell on them. I have been recently though it seems and it has been getting me nowhere. Happiness is a mood, find what you already have that makes you happy and embrace it. Find happiness in the small things that are going right in your life, and don't dwell on the negative.

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