Thursday, November 11, 2010


I don't know if it is because of the weather changing or what, but I heard so many roommate horror stories on campus today! It made me realize how blessed I have been to have the roommates I did. Don't get me wrong, we have had or hissy fits, disagreements, and annoyances, and heaven knows how weird some of them have been, but eh I am just as weird. haha.

I've loved the roommate dress up times, One Tree Hill all-nighters, McDonald's breakfast runs at 4am, secret kitchen appliances talk, swiffer fights, scooter races, game days, road trips, old school Nintendo parties, birthday parties for celebrities, earthquakes, food fights, fancy dinners, coloring book hour, music videos, date nights, late night stress yelling, laughing till we pee our pants (literally), Helen Keller games, Karaoke nights, and so many other roommate memories that have made me love my college experience.

So thank you roomies of my past! Thank you for showering at least once a week, for not throwing away my food because you thought I cooked it weird, for not leaving used feminine products sprung around the apartment, for not stealing hundreds of dollars and my movies, for not making a baby on my bed, for not liking strange kung fu that you insist on surprising me with in the middle of the night and breaking my ribs, and for not killing an animal and hiding it in our kitchen pantry for weeks on end. (In case you were wondering, yes, these are all true stories I heard from friends about their roommates.)

Do you have any fun or horrifying roommate stories?

San Juan 2008-2009

Old Farm 2009-2010


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