Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sister Gifford.

This post is a long over due one. Like months over due. I have been avoiding it because I just haven't figured out just how to write it. I have so many emotions built up and wrapped into it that I don't think I can quite express my thoughts and feelings clearly. I decided it is time I try though and hope it does this amazing person justice.

Brittney Gifford is an exceptional person. She is a kind, caring, funny, down to earth, crazy, fun-loving girl. But there is so much more to her when you look deeper. She truly exemplifies qualities of Christ that I wish I could attain. She is so forgiving. I have seen time and time again people treat her wrong, but once they apologize she brings them under her wing and shows them true compassion. She is so extremely loyal. Once she is your friend she is your life long friend. She will do anything for you, often putting them before herself.
She is beyond humble. She never takes credit for the amazing acts of service she has given or work she has done. She always gives away credit to those she loves, never asking for anything in return. 

She is not without trials. She suffers from depression and struggles to get out and socialize, met new people, and see the good in each day, something she has had to work hard on everyday. She is most harsh to herself, often not seeing her amazing qualities and attributes. I have watched her struggle. We have cried together. We have laughed together. We have cursed at the world together. We have picked each other up and dusted off our trials together. 

She is my hero. She is the only person who truly knows me and who I have told all my stories, worries, fears, jokes, gossip, and secrets to. My biggest fear would be letting her down. She has made me strive to be a better person, softening out my roughest edges and making me learn to relax and see the best in everyone. When I reached my darkest hell a few years ago, she literally saved my life, reaching out to me and making me see how much good there is in this world and how much I am loved. I have watched her grow into a more confident and amazing woman.

Brittney made the decision last year to dedicate her life and time for a year and a half to serve our Lord as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is not an easy road for her and she is already having tough days, feeling loneliness and the heavy load of the work needing to be done. She is sacrificing so much right now and missing time with loved ones to be serving the people of Reno, Nevada. I know she is where she needs to be right now though. She now has the opportunity to reach out to others who are in their darkest hour and help them find peace and happiness. She doesn't realize the power she holds by just showing how much she cares and I know she will help others feel of the Saviors love through her sweet spirit.

I miss this girl and our daily chats everyday but then I remember I am so blessed to have such an amazing example and sister in my life.

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