Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hey life...Could you slow down a bit please?

It is amazing to me that there will be weeks that can't move fast enough, but then when they do start moving it's too fast and I would love it if life slowed back down just a wee bit. School is on the down slop now and seems like everything is suppose to be done at the exact same time and I'm not keeping up. I leave for Germany in 2 weeks and I feel like I have NOTHING prepared for that. Finals and papers are due in a week now and that is a bit unsettling as well, seeing how I feel like there should still be another month to get everything done. Best thing I can do now is strap in and hold on for the twist and turns coming up, at least they are exciting right?

I registered for Fall classes last night and so stoked for my schedule! I am going to attempt 17 credits, but feel like I can handle it because most are major courses that I always find fascinating. I will be taking Family Crisis & Interventions, Children in the Middle Years w/lab, Families and Social Policy, Juvenile Delinquency, African Dance, and Stats 1040. The math class puts a damper on my schedule, doesn't math realize I have my own problems to worry about, I don't have time to solve its problems as well?

14 days till take off!

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